Get a Intuitive Card Reading

Discover Your Inner Wisdom

30 minutes $47

60 minutes $110 (includes an energy clearing and pin-code analysis)

Join Quinne for a soulful card reading experience. 

Together, in a relaxed conversation guided by Quinne's intuition, explore the cards as they unveil insights about your journey. 

It's a chance to uncover truths you may need to acknowledge or areas you resist, providing clarity for your present life. 

Step into the flow, embrace ease and find your way forward with joy.

All consultant work of any type done in-store, over the phone, or via digital media is meant to be for entertainment purposes only, and in no way constitutes legal, financial, or medical advice. All consultations are not an exact science and are solely for your personal entertainment and enjoyment. You should not rely on these consultations to give or assist in the circumstances of your life, or as a foundation or basis to change or not to change your life or lifestyle.  Jane Bond LLC DBA Sunset Park Provisions and its officers and employees accept no liability for any damages, direct, consequential or punitive arising from the use of the consultations offered at and through Sunset Park Provisions.