Somatic Session (Stress release)



"a somatic technique to soothe you into soul alignment."

Metamorphosis- A Somatic Therapy (Light touch massage and energy work) 

It relieves challenges like addiction, stress, anxiety, and more.Quinne has over two decades of experience. Create balance from within, ignite your body’s wisdom and vitality. Find long term relief from old patterns of dis-ease.

Metamorphosis Healing Through Touch is a powerful method that goes beyond conventional healing.

It serves as a profound re-education of the unconscious mind, offering relief from a wide range of challenges, including addiction, stress, anxiety, PTSD, emotional and behavioral issues, mental health concerns, sadness, trauma, self-mutilation, postnatal depression, and so much more.

This gentle yet effective treatment, founded by Robert St. John in the 1900s, has earned international recognition as a transformative healing approach for various conditions.

Metamorphosis facilitates lasting change effortlessly, making it a remarkable choice for those seeking a permanent shift in their well-being.

Let's unlock your inner wisdom and vitality together.

If you are curious and would like to learn more, please email or call me. or +1 424 487 1029

 $333 for a 90min session